4 common questions (and answers) about the penis

Published December 10, 2021


picture of a worried man

Safe to say, your groin area is more sensitive than other parts of your body. But men, you don't need to suffer. The key is to figure out what's behind your symptoms. For many men, it can be embarrassing to bring up these issues with a doctor, but you'll be glad you did when you get to the bottom of the irritation. Here, we address four common questions about the penis.

Why is my penis itchy?

There can be a variety of reasons for an uncomfortable itch on the penis. The potential causes can include simple soap irritation, skin conditions like eczema or poor hygiene, bacterial infection, fungal infection like thrush, or sexually transmitted infection (STI). 

Prevention is a great place to start. 

  • Use gentle soaps and laundry detergents 
  • Shower in warm water instead of hot 
  • Keep the groin area dry 
  • Wear loose clothing
  • Use adequate lubrication and protection during sexual activity

Because there could be many reasons for this to occur, it's important to visit your doctor to determine the underlying cause of the itch – especially if the symptom is ongoing, becomes severe or appears alongside other bothersome symptoms.

The skin on my penis is peeling. Should I be moisturizing? 

Just like other areas on the body, skin peeling on the penis can occur as well. It may result from friction, chafing, an allergic reaction, genital warts, scabies or even a skin condition like psoriasis or eczema. It may be the only symptom or be accompanied by itching, burning or redness. Peeling can also be caused by an STI, fungal infection or balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin, most commonly happens in uncircumcised males).

"I have never recommended moisturizing the penis," says Chris Diebert, MD, urologist and director of the Nebraska Medicine Men's Health Program. "If the skin is peeling, consider applying a topical over-the-counter allergy ointment or antifungal cream. If the dryness or peeling may be caused by excessive friction (as in self contact), a pause in sexual activity until the penis heals is advised." 

If peeling skin on the penis continues, see your doctor for an evaluation, especially if your symptoms include discharge, sores, bleeding or pain upon urination.

Why does my penis hurt?

If you are experiencing ongoing or severe penis pain – whether during sexual intercourse, while urinating, after an injury or otherwise – schedule a visit to your doctor or urologist. There can be various causes or conditions, from mild to severe. Narrowing it down can be challenging without a proper exam. Talking with your doctor will help rule out potential concerns and provide you with the necessary treatment (and relief) sooner.

How do I make my penis stronger?

While there aren't exercises to strengthen the penis per se, maintaining a healthy body, regular exercise and good hygiene practices are excellent places to start. "Achieving an ideal body weight, quitting smoking, maintaining good cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels all have the medical data to show that erection quality can improve," says Dr. Diebert.

If erectile dysfunction (ED) is a concern, know that you have options. The Men's Health Program can help find the underlying reasons for your symptoms and prevent these symptoms from becoming more significant health issues in the future. "After we've done a complete evaluation and addressed any other underlying health issues, we will discuss potential lifestyle changes that can be made to improve your symptoms," explains Dr. Deibert. "We will typically recommend a multi-step approach including medications and lifestyle modifications as well as treatment of any underlying medical conditions."

Many men feel uncomfortable talking about these types of problems, but it's good to reach out to your doctor about these types of questions. Please don't put it off because you may be embarrassed. Rest assured, no topic is off-limits or weird. "This is what we do every day. We will put you at ease and discuss your issues comfortably and privately," adds Dr. Deibert. The best way to find relief is through a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. 

Still have questions?
We can help. Call 800.922.0000 to schedule an appointment with a trained urologist.