You asked, we answered: What are the differences between herpes and an ingrown hair?

Published February 8, 2021


 What is the difference in symptoms and appearance of genital herpes versus an ingrown hair?


What is the difference in symptoms and appearance of genital herpes versus an ingrown hair?

Answered by OB-GYN Kelsie Cabrera, DO

This situation can be confusing because razor burn and herpes lesions can start and feel similarly. They start with a burning, itching sensation and may have redness around the affected area.

Razor burn happens specifically where you've been shaving, and symptoms will eventually go away.

Herpes lesions can occur anywhere on your body and may take longer to heal. You may also experience systemic symptoms during a herpes outbreak, such as fever and malaise (not feeling well).

Once you have a herpes virus, you carry it for the rest of your life. Many people have herpes and never express symptoms or even know they have it. Some women will have only one herpes outbreak in their entire lives. Others may have regular episodes, which can be managed with medication.

Recurrent outbreaks can be caused by stress, illness, pregnancy or other situations that suppress the immune system. Having unprotected sex increases your risk for herpes and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).  

If you are experiencing razor burn-like symptoms in a place you're not shaving, suspect an ingrown hair may be infected or have recurring lesions in your genital area, you should contact your doctor for an examination.