How a Kitchen Accident Turned Our Lives Upside Down

Published February 25, 2017


Ivy suffered 1st and 2nd degree burns on 30 percent of her body.

May was by far the hardest month our family has ever experienced. It all started in the kitchen. On May 1, our son, Gaven, was cooking spaghetti for lunch. His 9-year-old sister, Ivy, came in to help him strain the water. Both kids love to cook (something they get from their father) and have made this dish many times before.

Unfortunately, this time, in the process of straining the water, they collided and Ivy ended up with the entire pot of boiling water down her face and chest. Gaven, a Life Scout, was quick to act. He threw the pot in the sink, rushed Ivy into a cold shower and proceeded to take the hot clothes off her body. We later found out that his quick thinking saved Ivy from deeper burns.

When we arrived at the Burn Intensive Care Unit at Nebraska Medicine, Kim and Megan were the first faces we saw. They were amazing at helping Ivy relax and breathe through a very painful process. They’re also the fastest nurse and certified nursing assistant to ever get an IV in.

Ivy had 1st and deep 2nd degree burns across 30 percent of her body. Ivy still tells everyone that trauma surgeon P.J. Schenarts, MD, was more than we could have ever hoped for. He immediately recognized that the cleaning process was too much for Ivy and made every attempt to make her as comfortable as possible. During the last leg of our journey, the medical director of the Burn Unit, Jessica Summers, MD, held our hands and helped us understand what was happening to our daughter. Dr. Schenarts assured us Dr. Summers would be everything he said – and more!


Ivy and her mom, Lynn.

Since the accident, Ivy has been so brave and endured multiple painful procedures. She spent a week in the Burn Unit. Her doctors and nurses made it a priority to keep her comfortable. Every person on her team was extraordinary! Mary, Dorothy, “Night Ninja Callie,” Shawna, Lindsey, Brianna, Michelle, Paige, Emily, Kate, Danielle, Vanessa, Brianne, Acacia, Ryan, Allison, Lindsey, Rachel, Julie, Ana, Kaitlyn – the list goes on and on. (Please forgive me if I missed anyone or mixed up names! We had so many wonderful people taking care of us.) The staff never waivered. They were always there to help us with everything we needed, even when it was hard to smile.

From day one, the team took extra measures to make Ivy happy. One staff member braided Ivy’s hair and even drew Disney Princess Merida on her hospital window. Child Life was also with Ivy every step of the way. There were multiple activities she could participate in during the downtime from procedures. Jessie, the hospital’s music therapist, came in to sing with Ivy as well. Ivy loves to sing and plays both the piano and guitar. Having Jessie there was a highlight to her stay.



Our family wants everyone to know that this team – OUR TEAM – is what got us through. They’re all amazing professionals, but handled us on such a personal level. I know my daughter would not have been healed as well as she was without their care. We truly appreciate everything the staff at Nebraska Medicine has done to help Ivy get back to being a fun-loving little girl. We are beyond blessed.