You asked, we answered: Is double masking necessary?

Published February 17, 2021


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated masking guidelines since this was written. Get the latest information.

picture of two face masks


Is double masking necessary?

Answered by infectious diseases expert Mark Rupp, MD

The effectiveness of a mask depends on what it's made of and how tightly it fits to your face. A well-constructed, multilayer mask that fits well provides great protection, especially when you pair it with social distancing.

At this time, we don't recommend two masks. We recommend one multilayer mask that fits well to your face. We don't discourage wearing two masks because it can provide additional protection – especially if the second mask helps to hold the first mask more tightly to the face. However, for most people, one well-fitting, multilayer mask is good. 

We'd be much better off if everyone wore one mask properly than if some wear two masks and others don't mask at all or wear the mask improperly (for example, exposing the nose).

Follow these guidelines for better protection:

  • Fit: Make sure the mask covers your mouth and nose. The sides should sit flat against your cheeks with no gaps that will allow air to enter
  • Material: Polyester blends or cotton blends work well. Avoid 100% cotton or Mulberry silk materials
  • Layers: Choose a mask with at least two (ideally three) layers